The Escape into Egypt
(Matthew 2, 13-15. Today’s English Version – Second Edition ©1992)
An angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and said, “Herod will be looking for the child in order to kill him. So get up, take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you to leave.” Joseph got up, took the child and his mother and left during the night for Egypt where he stayed until Herod died.
Silent Reflection
Dear St Joseph, Herod was truly upset to know that he had a rival to his throne. So full of hatred and envy was he that he ordered all babies to be killed hoping that one of them would be the new- born King. You were commanded to flee with your family to a foreign land, as it was not yet time for Jesus to offer his life. It was a shame to think of how evil can get the better of people, leading them to do harm to others, even to those who are innocent.
Sorrow and anguish struck the hearts of parents as they witnessed how the soldiers slaughtered their little ones. Sadness too was in your heart, commiserating with these hapless souls. By God’s grace, you and your family experienced relief when finally you set foot in Egypt.
There is an emerging “culture of death” in our society today where human life is no longer respected. May we imitate how you have upheld the sacredness of life by protecting Jesus and Mary from Herod’s fury. May we stand up for life from the moment of conception till natural death.
We remember in our prayers all victims of abortion, euthanasia, and all unnecessary killings, that through your intercession the provident Father may welcome them in His kingdom. We pray too for those in danger of these abominations, that you may also protect them from all harm. Lastly, we also remember our particular intentions…Amen.
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be
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